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The Central Armed Forces Museum (the Museum of the Soviet Army).

The Central museum of Armed Forces is one of the world greatest places to see military history. It was founded in 1919 and every year about 1 million visitors come in to see the Museum regular display and exhibitions. There are 24 rooms showing the history of the Russian Army and Navy from the beginning of the 18th century until today. The collection includes over 800.000 military and historical objects. Among the Museum’s rarities are:

invaluable relic – the Victory Banner raised over the Reichstag building in Berlin in May 1945 as a symbol of victory over the Nazis;

personal belongings and decorations of famous government and military leaders as J.Stalin, M.Frunze, G.Zhukov, K.Rokossovsky, A.Vasilevsky, N.Kuznetsov and others; 

trophies of World War II – Nazi flags, decorations, documents, weapons and even items which belonged to A.Hitler, A.Rosenberg, E.Rommel, H.Goering, F.Paulus;

the wreckage of the American U2 spy plane piloted by F.G.Powers and shot down by Soviet Anti-Aircraft Defence Troops in May 1960.

In 1992-2000 the Museum got a very special donation from "Rodina” American-Russian Welfare Society, Inc. (199-A, Alexander Ave, Howell, NJ 07731). There were about 40.000 items of military history. Among them are: the St.George awards for units of the Russian Army; personal belongings, documents and photographs of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, famous generals M.Skobelev, A.Denikin ans also soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army and Navy.

The Museum is very engaged in its scientific, research and exhibition activity. Every year it creates more than 20 exhibits held inside Russia and also around the world, issue scientific works and methodical publications, brochures, advertising and presenting editions.

The Central museum of armed Forces is a member of Unity of Museums in Russia, Russian Committee of international Council of Museums, International Association of Army and Military History (ICOMAM). As Those members we are busy in practice of named above organizations.

Here is the site of the Museum where you can find further information.